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Yesterday, I thought swimming was very hard for me. And I didn't want to learn how to swim. But now I don't think it is hard. Just like learning how to walk. Since I was in swimming class this morning, I didn't think it's hard.And I'm so happy. Thus, I get skills not only swimming but also believing. Believe .
yourself, and you'll learn anything in easy way!

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從Ne Yo の "Mad"這首歌開始,我就一直在關注這歌手,甚至調查他的過去,才知道他並不是一切順利的,2000年的他在發第一張專輯前就被解雇,處於谷底的他被伯樂"Marques Houston"發現,Ne yo 的"That girl"被Houston翻唱,得到大量好評。

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